Jared Polin is best known for his, um, declamatory style and big hair over at the Fro Knows Photo YouTube channel. But his latest project is a bit more down to earth: an app to help you keep track of your photo kit and make sure you’ve got enough insurance to cover it in case of theft.
You’ll need an iPhone…
MyGearVault is an iOS app (an Android version is in the works) for photographers to log and organise what they have and how much it’s worth. You can add gear, corresponding serial numbers and a picture of your receipt as proof of purchase. The app keeps a running tally so you can tell at a glance how much you’ve paid for your kit and how much insurance you should be carrying to cover it all.
Organise for different jobs
The app also allows you to organise your gear into kits, providing a checklist for, say, a travel job or a video shoot. Then should the worst happen and your kit is stolen you can add a crime report number and have all the information you need in one place, ready to send to your insurer.
Data out as well as data in
You can get information out of the app as a simple .CSV file, to keep your insurer up to date each year. You can also call in insurance quotes from within the app, which is where MyGearVault is hoping to create a revenue stream from referrals to insurers. There’s a questionnaire built in to the app and the service aims to offer comprehensive cover within a day.
MyGearVault say they won’t pass on your data to third parties, and access to the app on your phone can be controlled by a passcode or TouchID.
Download link
The app is available now as a free download from the iOS App Store.